St Herman's Feast Day 2017 - 12/25/17
Many. many thanks to all who contributed to make our feast day a great success! The Vigil service was very beautiful and the Hierarchical Liturgy was truly magnificent. Several clergy came to show their support of St Herman's - we had six priests, five deacons, several subdeacons and many altar servers... though the altar became quite cozy at times with so many people, all went smoothly and a prayerful atmosphere was evident. The choir did an amazing job and all sounded splendid, properly dignified, and joyful! Congratulations to our Protodeacon George Balaban upon receiving the kamilavka for his years of service and to Deacon George Kalousek who received a gramata honoring his many years of service to our Holy Mother Church. A wonderful meal was prepared for visitors on Sunday evening and the main festal meal after the Liturgy on Monday was fantastic. All went smoothly and many hands made lighter work... thank you to all who participated in making this such a joyful and successful parish feast day!