We are happy to have you visit St Herman of Alaska Orthodox Church and we welcome you to come and worship with us.
If you are interested in learning more about the faith and/or if you have any questions, please contact Fr Martin at frmartinp@gmail.com.
If you are a baptized Orthodox Christian and you wish to attend regularly - we are pleased to have you and encourage you to consider joining as a member of the parish. You can find a Membership Application at this LINK. Parish membership helps to support the Church and community and entitles you to vote at annual parish meetings and to serve on the parish council if elected.
Your prayers and participation are greatly appreciated. As the Apostle Paul says: 'Just as the body is one and yet has many members, and all the members of the body (though many) form one body; so also is Christ.' There are many tasks to be done in a Church community and there are many talents among us. May God grant that we work together to pool from our various strengths for the good of the Church and to the glory of Christ our Lord.